Sunday 15 November 2009

ic! berlin glasses and shades - something for the weekend?

I return from a rainy trip to the shop yesterday and what do I see? A massive parcel from Berlin. Twas like Christmas had come early!

It was of course the lovely folk at ic! berlin sending me their latest pack of goodies: toffee, a calendar, a catalogue of all their specs, a DVD of quality, well-taken pics, too many to choose from. But I managed: here are four of my favourite new additions to their colossal collection of sheet metal ingenuity...

Top are Neutor and Rheingold, two of the latest additions to the main ic! berlin glasses collection.

And beneath those are Samedi and Dimanche, the newest models in Christina Muthsam's (it is her wearing them too) Très Chic! collaborative collection, both available either as prescription glasses or as shades.

ic! berlin neutor m1147 glasses
ic! berlin rheingold m1146 glasses
ic! berlin très chic samedi glasses or sunglassesic! berlin très chic dimanche glasses or sunglasses

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