Wednesday 7 March 2012

Purple haze all in my eyes: RVS by V 212 limited edition spectacles

Purple haze all in my eyes: RVS by V 212 limited edition spectacles
'Scuse me while I get all overexcited by the fact that RVS by V has released a new limited edition run of its wonderful 212 glasses. I wrote about the original 212 here. One hundred are available in each colour – above is Purple Haze (down-now-now-nowwww!) and below, are the others including a lovely wood (effect, I presume). Beautifully finished eyewear that will not disappoint...

Purple haze all in my eyes: RVS by V 212 limited edition spectacles

Purple haze all in my eyes: RVS by V 212 limited edition spectacles


  1. and what about the amazing HANDMADE "BLAC" carbonfibre frames? haven't seen those on this post
